The Global Human Resource Program Bridging across Physics and Chemistry

30 January 2015, International House, Tokyo Metropolitan University (TMU), Japan



to all the participants, more than 150 (40 from abroad).
31 January 2015

Snapshots are now available here.
20 February 2015

The symposium is open to graduate students and senior undergraduate students. There is no registration fee. The purpose of the symposium is to encourage the students to enjoy scientific discussion and cultural exchange with each other and with professors in an informal atmosphere; so, do not hesitate to speak English!

The symposium will consist of invited lectures by professors in the morning and contributed posters with short talks by students in the afternoon. Students are especially encouraged to participate and give poster presentations.

In the evening, we will have a sociable session, get-together, where one can introduce his/her lab and university using a few slides.

Although one-day symposium, various satellite meetings are also planned. Hope that the participants will enjoy them as well.


International House, Minami-Ohsawa Campus, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan


30 January, 2015

Invited Speakers:

Organized by:

Sponsored by:


Updated on 21 Jan.
Opening Address
Lecture Session 1
Coffee Break
Lecture Session 2
Poster Session 1
(Coffee Break)
Poster Session 2
Sociable Session
Closing Remarks

Poster Presentations

Posters of A0 size are preferred to be arranged in portrait format, approximately 119 cm high by 84 cm wide.
Before putting up your poster, please make sure of your session, either of Poster Session 1 or 2, and your poster number attached to the poster board; assigned poster numbers can be found in the Poster Program.

For 2-minute Short Talk, you may use a slide (single page). Please send it in PDF by e-mail to no later than 23 January. The PDF file name should be "poster#-yourname.pdf," as 99-einstein.pdf, and the e-mail Subject should be "short talk poster#," as short talk 99.
