Theory groups (Add “” to the e-mail address.)
Position | Name |
Theoretical Particle, Nuclear, Astrophysics Group
Professor | Yutaka Fujita (Theoretical Astrophysics) | fujita |
Associate Professor | Wen Yin (Particle Theory) | yin |
Associate Professor | Sergei Ketov (High Energy Theoretical Physics) | ketov |
Associate Professor | Tetsuo Hyodo (Nuclear Hadron Physics) | hyodo |
Assistant Professor | Noriaki Kitazawa (Particle Theory) | kitazawa |
Assistant Professor | Shin Sasaki (Theoretical Astrophysics) | sasaki |
Nonlinear Physics
Professor | Akira Shudo | shudo |
Assistant Professor | Atsushi Tanaka | tanaka |
Quantum Condensed Matter Theory
Professor | Hiroyuki Mori | mori |
Associate Professor | Emiko Arahata | arahata |
Assistant Professor | Hiromi Otsuka | otsuka |
Strongly Correlated Electron Theory
Professor | Takashi Hotta | hotta |
Associate Professor | Kazumasa Hattori | hattori |
Computational Materials Science
Associate Professor | Takuya Nomoto | nomoto |
Experiment groups (Add “” to the e-mail address.)
Position | Name |
Experimental High Energy Physics
Professor | Hidekazu Kakuno | kakuno |
Assistant Professor | Tetsuro Kumita | kumita |
Atomic Physics
Professor | Hajime Tanuma | tanuma |
Assistant Professor | Shimpei Iida | iida |
Experimental Astrophysics
Professor | Yuichiro Ezoe | ezoe |
Associate Professor | Yuichiro EzoeYoshitaka Ishisaki | ishisaki |
Assistant Professor | Kumi Ishikawa | ishikawa |
Soft Matter
Professor | Rei Kurita | kurita |
Correlated Electron Physics
Professor | Yuji Aoki | aoki |
Professor | Tatsuma Matsuda | matsuda |
Assistant Professor | Ryuji Higashinaka | higashinaka |
Superconducting Materials
Associate Professor | Yoshikazu Mizuguchi | mizuguchi |
Assistant Professor | Aichi Yamashita | yamashita |
Surface and Interface Physics
Professor | Kazuhiro Yanagi | yanagi |
Nanoscience Research
Associate Professor | Yasumitsu Miyata | miyata |
Assistant Professor | Yusuke Nakanishi | nakanishi |